Roton ATV-1 Detail Views


Since the Roton ATV-1 is not actually a spacecraft it lacks much of the internal hardware and systems that the final version will have.  Because of this fact, this test vehicle is virtually devoid of any surface details such as access hatches or panel lines.  The only real detail breaking its smooth surface is the landing gear mechanisims attached to the exterior and the cockpit blister on the front.  The outline of the cargo bay seen here is only a painted outline.  The cockpit features only those instruments required for the landing test phase.  The actual spacecraft will have a much more complex instrumentation installation and a completely different layout.  The flight controls for this version are taken directly from existing helicopters but the production vehicle will probably feature fly-by-wire side stick controllers.  The landing gear appears too small for this craft because it is not designed to hold the loaded weight of the vehicle.  It is only intended to support the empty weight at landing.  When fully fueled and ready for launch the Roton will be resting on a pedestal which will act as a launch platform and also be used to spin the engine assembly up to operating speed, much like a ground start cart.