The Factory Models
Factory Display Models
This collection of images comes from a book used as a catalog of displays available for loan to different groups and events. These photos came with no captions, only notes regarding the physical size and weight of each item. However most need no captions as their purpose or identity is obvious from examination of the image itself. These pictures provide a fascinating glimpse at the concepts on the drawing boards at the time as well as the early versions of hardware which would actually be built. Those of you who are "Star Trek" fans may recognize the collapsible space station seen here as the basis of "Space Station K-7" from the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles". The original idea was to provide a space station which could be launched on a single booster then fold out into its final form without having to assemble parts from many launches (thus saving construction time). Examination of the photos will reveal the telescoping segments which would pivot to form the saucer shaped portions. The ROMBUS design may be recognizable to many as the vehicle design featured in the old Disneyland "Flight to the Moon" ride. In the early years of "Disneyland" the Douglas Aircraft Company would be a major supporter the parks "Tomorrow land" and would eventually see its company name painted on the large rocket displayed there after TWA Airlines withdrew its sponsorship.
Please contact Phil Broad if you have comments about these images or corrections to the information presented here via E-Mail.