THE A4/V2 RESOURCE SITE: This excellent site contains photos, movies, audio files and drawings of the V2. Very extensive coverage of the history of the V2 tactical ballistic missile.  Site by Tracy Dungan.

ENCYCLOPEDIA ASTRONAUTICA: This outstanding site covers the entire history of rockets and spacecraft.  The overall site is huge but this link will take directly to the V2 listing.  From there it is possible to navigate to the vast listing of related topics.  Site by Mark Wade.

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & MEDICINE ARCHIVES: This site is for the serious researcher who wishes to learn what is held in various archives.  The list provided here includes original material about early rocketry including files from Peenemunde.  Compiled by Stephen G. Bush

MAJOR SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE ORAL HISTORIES COLLECTION: This site lists many of the oral history audio tape collections held by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C..  This is also for the serious researcher looking for original source material.

REDSTONE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION CENTER: This archive has a collection of original documents from the WWII Peenemunde  research center.  This is part of the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and you must make prior arrangements with them to view this collection.  Contact information can be found on the website itself.