(Each image is approximately 50K - 90K in size)

Jim Creveling's Replica Colonial Movers Transport

Jim Creveling's Replica Cylon Tanker

The "Fleet" & Other Vehicles
Web site by: Phil Broad

The "Fleet" consisted of all the surviving colonial spacecraft after the Cylon attacks which destroyed the human home worlds.  They came from many colonies and represented many different cultures and beliefs.  They also represented every type of spacecraft in service, from prison ships to luxury liners and brought with them an equally diverse group of characters.  Most of these miniatures are built entirely of parts from commercial model kits and therefore are quite small in size yet the builders have done an excellent job of convincing us that they are actually huge constructions.  This is done through the expert application paint simulating weathering and fine details which signal to us that these are actually massive vehicles.  The "Snow Ram" vehicle seen here is based on the same size Thiokol snow-cat that the "Lost in Space" Chariot was built on.

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