(Each image is approximately 150K - 250K in size)

TOS Romulan Bird of Prey

As seen the episode "Balance of Terror", the Romulan "Bird of Prey" (BOP) represented the very first hostile enemy spacecraft ever seen on Star Trek. Built by Hollywood prop man Wah Chang (also designer and builder such Star Trek props as the Phaser, Tricorder and Communicator) it would only see duty in this one episode. It is gray overall with silver exhaust shrouds around the back of the impulse engines. The bird motif on the bottom is a tan color overall with white beak and talons and red-brown trailing edge feathers. The bird has black line work and is also outlined in black. The vertical fin and engine pod "wings" feature a feather motif along the trailing edge. This is seen on both sides of the fin and on the upper side of the "wings".


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