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EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle

The EM-50 is one of those vehicles seen on screen that added so much to the given production but was seemingly ignored by the genre press. Based on a GMC motor home, the EM-50 carried a cannon, machine guns, flame throwers, missiles, and all manner of infantry weapons. It also featured hideaway armor plating which would cover the windows and other vulnerable points when going into combat. It also featured a fully equipped communications and navigation suite. Designed to prowl urban areas without attracting attention, the EM-50 could quickly deploy its weapons before an enemy knew it was there or realized what it was.

Little is known about the prop vehicle built for the film or where it is now. It never seemed to appear at custom car shows after the production as so many of the other Hollywood vehicles did. If anyone knows the details about who designed and built the EM-50 or where it is today, please contact us at the email link below.

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