All Thunderbolt images are copyright Warner Bros.


(The upper row of isometric views are 1000 pixels wide and approximately 100K in size, while the
lower row of images are up to 3000 (!) pixels wide and approximately 500K in size)

(The images on the left are 1,000 pixels wide and between 40-80K
in size, while those on the right are around 3,000 (!) pixels wide and
between 100-250K in size.)

(The images on the left are 1,000 pixels wide and between 40-80K
in size, while those on the right are around 3,000 (!) pixels wide and
between 100-250K in size.)

Thunderbolt Fighter
Web site by: Phil Broad

This is the computer generated model of the Thunderbolt as used by the Foundation Imaging special effects house.  These shots have been very kindly donated to the Vault by Mark Dickson.  Thank you Mark!

Please contact me if you have comments about these images or corrections to the information presented here via E-Mail.