SHADO Space Intruder Detector (SID)
Web site by: Phil
In the series "UFO" the
earth defense forces at SHADO utilized a deep space tracking network to alert
them to the presence of the Alien invaders. This system was known as the "Space
Intruder Detector" or "SID" for short. It formed some of the
first hardware put into space by SHADO and represented their first line of
defense. Although only one "SID" satellite was ever shown in the
TV series, in reality there would have to have been a whole constellation
of them to provide total coverage of the approaches to earth. SID provided
warning of alien craft approaches to earth and targeting data as well as tracking
of earth probes and debris in orbit. It could also provide a back-up up/down
communications link to the SHADO forces on the moon if the primary systems