SHADO Lifting Body
Web site by: Phil
The SHADO Lifting body is another
example of this TV series accurately portraying then-current proposals for
aerospace hardware. Although simple in configuration, this lifting body would
fit right in with much of the thinking about reentry lifting bodies then being
studied by the US Air Force and other agencies. It is just this sort of attention
to detail that helps make this series of interest to later generations. This
lifting body is shown to be boosted into orbit inside the payload fairing
of a large rocket. Once in orbit, the fairing splits open and the lifting
body is released. It is unlikely that this craft was designed just for SHADO
operations, it being more likely an existing design adapted to SHADO needs.
The sole purpose of this craft seems to be putting a small crew into orbit
which would indicate that this type was probably used to support space station
operations by shuttling crews up and down.