Regrettably these are very poor images. No flash
was available at the time these were taken and the sound stage was very
dark so they are blurry on top of being grainy. They were taken with
a "half frame" camera using ASA 400 film. A half frame camera
is designed to create an image one half the size of a normal 35 mm negative
and when combined with grainy high speed film, the result is extremely
grainy photos. The advantage of such a camera is its compact size
and the fact that a 36 exposure roll equals 72 half frame shots.
The "psychedelic" swirls seen in most of these shots are defects in the
negs caused by poor drying after processing. If you look closely
in many of these photos you will see a "photographers scale" which is marked
in inches. These inferior images are presented here in the belief
that "something" is better than "nothing".