"The Second Chance"

(Each image is approximately 150K - 200K in size)

Outer Limits Flying Saucer
Web site by: Phil Broad

"The Second Chance" not only tells a good story, it also has one of the very few instances of humans operating a "Flying Saucer". Saucers are usually reserved to depict "alien" technology in film and have only been shown as human-built on a hand full of occasions. This saucer also has another unusual feature, it has a complete two-story set. Multistory sets are typically depicted by two separate sets built on the same floor level of a sound stage with stairs that allow the actors to simulate traveling up or down to a different level. Not this time. This set has two levels and both are used for primary filming. Like the other spacecraft from this series, the cockpit hardware derives from the earlier "Man Into Space" TV series. The pilot seats are real military ejection seats but so far have not been identified as to the type of aircraft they were originally used in. The passenger seats are also aircraft surplus from several different airliners of the 1950's.

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