Rocket Scoutship #1

Rocket Scoutship #2

Interplanetary Rockets

Space Station

Flying Saucer

X-15 & Other Stock Film


Outer Limits TOS Spacecraft & Spacesuits
Web site by: Phil Broad

The "Outer Limits" inherited a large portion of its space flight sets and props from the much earlier TV series "Men Into Space" (1954). That show was a serious look at the space exploration of the near future, based on government and industry studies of the day. It depicted orbital transports, space stations, lunar transports, lunar bases and may have included a manned Mars mission too. It was made with the help of the company "Projects Unlimited" who would then go on to reuse much of the film, sets and props for new show "Outer Limits". For the most part this material had not been dated by current events and still reflected the projected thinking about space flight when "Limits" was made. This was still the era of tail-landing rockets and astronauts who carried guns into "the space frontier" like cowboys of the old west.

Inspite of all the promise of space exploration seen in shows like this and so many others, we humans have yet to achieve the level of space flight sophistication shown in this early TV series, forty-five years after the official start of the "space race". How sad.

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