"The Man Who Was Never Born"

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"The Mutant"

(Each image is approximately 150K - 200K in size)

Outer Limits Rocket Scout #1
Web site by: Phil Broad

This handsome little craft appeared in two episodes of "Outer Limits" (while its interior appeared in many more). It is believed that the exterior of this ship was designed by Projects Unlimited member Wah Chang specially for the "Outer Limits" while the interior cabin set was taken from the original "Men into Space" Rocket Scout built sometime around 1954. The exterior is an excellent example of studio design, it is believable yet compact enough to be easily transported when rendered as a full scale mockup. The use of conical shapes and upwardly converging body lines helps to make the ship appear larger than it actually is by creating a forced-perspective effect, particularly when seen with the landing gear fully extended. When seen with the gear retracted, such as in "The Mutant" it is readily apparent just how small this mockup really is, demonstrating also that the studio could easily have built the entire ship with very little trouble. As it is, the studio only built the lower portion full scale. When first seen in "The Man Who Was Never Born" the ship sported a two tone paint scheme, possibly gray with red stripes but later it appeared with a more modern looking overall black finish, much like the real life X-15 or X-20 Dynasoar.

The ship is apparently designed for trips to Earth orbit and back again as seen in "The Man Who Was Never Born" while in "The Mutant" it arrives at an interstellar destination (although it is not made clear if the ship is simply a shuttlecraft for a larger mothership which remained in orbit or if it made the entire journey on its own). This in mind, the craft would have to be nuclear powered at least but considering its diminutive size, maybe matter/antimatter engines would be more likely.

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