SIVB 506 formed wall sections at Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica CA.
Using a Version Brake to curve the machined tanksections at Santa Monica
(SIVB 506).
Sub-assembly bay at the Douglas Aircraft Co. Space Division, Huntington
Beach CA. Complete SIVB 210 in distance.
SIVB 509 in the "Pandjuris" welding rig, Huntington Beach.
SIVB 509 in Pandjuris welding rig.
SIVB 510 tank segments.
SIVB 507 final segment (1967).
Automated Pandjuris welding machine. SIVB 507 final weld.
Pandjuris welder in action ( SIVB 507).
Trimming end of tank 507.
SIVB 506
SIVB 507
Looking through SIVB 509 as section of 510 is placed into storage rack
SIVB 501 tank with 511 segments in foreground. |
SIVB 514 being positioned for welding of outer rings.
files are approximately 300K to 500K in size)