SIVB 210 (1967)

Saturn SIVB Third Stage
Components, Sub Assemblies & Final Assembly

Color Images:

Sheet 1:
Wire harness assembly, electronic testing & thermal protection.
Sheet 2:
Building the LH2 tank walls & tank domes.
Sheet 3:
O2 & LH2 Tank assembly.
Sheet 4:
Upper, lower and SIIC interstage skirt assembly.
Sheet 5:
Thrust structure and SIVB final assembly.
Sheet 6:
Model builders close-ups.

Black & White Images:

Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5

The SIVB stage

The SIVB is much more than just the top stage of the Saturn 1B or Saturn V booster, it is a true spacecraft in its own right.  Unlike the other booster stages, the SIVB was designed to be restarted in space and would also make the trip to the moon, along with the Apollo and Lunar Module.  Later it would form the basis for the first U.S. space station "Skylab".  In fact, there were even proposals to build a "single stage to orbit" version (see "pictures & drawings" section of that site), complete with landing gear and aero-spike engine installation!   For model builders it truly presents a wide array of actual and proposed subjects to build in miniature.
Endless fun!

Please contact Phil Broad if you have comments about these images or corrections to the information presented here
                                           via E-Mail.  Enjoy your visit.